EduAsyl Projekt

Integration Refugees into the European educational and labour market:

Requirements for a target oriented approach

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Summary of the project

In recent years, legal parameters have been created for a partial opening of the educational and labour markets for refugees and asylum seekers in the EU, enabling their integration into the employment system. Social research has demonstrated that the employment biographies of migrants tend to proceed transnationally. Combining intercultural and lifelong learning approaches, this project investigates whether local, national and European education and employment market policy allows the integration of refugees, using their transnational biography as resource.

The project analyse educational and employment paths at five cities in different EU countries. The goal is to develop innovative and transferable solutions which accelerate the opening up of basic education, language education, trainings and higher education systems to refugees thus enabling their effective participation to lifelong learning process. In each of the project location existing practice, local VET-policies and structural barriers will be exchanged and analysed. With regard to the objectives of the Leonardo da Vinci programme the project focus the support improvements quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems, institutions and practices. The outcomes and recommendations developed have an impact on lifelong learning strategies that interconnect the different strands of education related to the needs of transnational biographies.


Project outcomes

General introduction: The introduction gives an overview on the EduAsyl Project, its background, study questions and objectives, theoretical and methodical approaches and summarizes the outcomes of the project.
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City reports

City report of Florence: The city report of Florence, entitled “The paradox of being a recognized refugee in Italy: living in an open prison, Florence, Tuscany”, focused on a very specific problem of the City and provincial territory of Florence: Occupied Public Buildings (abandoned public buildings – hospitals, schools, railway stations, offices, etc…) They are the most visible (and symbolic) characteristic of the situation of the target group, single individuals and families, have been living in for the past 10 years.
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City report of Glasgow: The city report of Glasgow, entitled “A life in limbo: Barriers to VET and labour market integration for asylum-seekers in Glasgow awaiting the granting of ‘Leave to Remain’”, focuses on the plight of asylum seekers as they wait for the cogs of the decision-making process to slowly come to a conclusion. The report also looks at the formal and non-formal structures that are in place to support refugees and asylum-seekers with a focus on practices that try to help in the integration into VET and the labour market, as well as the challenges they face.
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City report of Hamburg: The city report of Hamburg, entitled “Vocational integration of refugees and Asylum-seekers in Hamburg – roundabout routes from model to structure”, reflects on exclusion and inclusion mechanisms of formal and non-formal educational programmes while focussing the factors and concepts which improve refugee-sensitive vocational integration work in that city.
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City report of Gothenburg: The city report of Gothenburg, entitled “The reception of asylum seekers and refugees in Gothenburg – Successes and Failures in the development of a new system”, describes the new national system for examining asylum applications and goes on to analyze the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in Gothenburg, the second biggest city in Sweden. The system primarily supports new arrivals in finding employment, but does not sufficiently deal with the impact of needs such as housing, family reunion, medical and psychological treatment as well as specific needs of traumatized refugees on the successful integration of this target group into the VET system and the labour market. The report shows both possibilities and difficulties within the system and closes with a number of recommendations.
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Further products


Refugee monitoring: This concept contents the research status, conceptual basis an implementation proposals, taking the example of the city of Hamburg.
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Refugee Monitoring in Hamburg – first steps taken!: The text describes and comments on the first steps in implementation of the Refugee monitoring concept in Hamburg. Also content is the summary of the educational report on the situation of young refugees in the Hamburg transitional system from school to vocation and recommendations.
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Recommendations on European Level: The recommendations on European Level takes advantage from the outcomes of the case studies and draw consequences which might help technicians and stakeholders in the field of VET for asylum seekers and serve as evidence base for policy drives at EU level.
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